Kamis, 06 November 2008

Ikhlas, Thou We hope the
Developments messenger, never leave home without a questioner answers. He is a barn in science and will always try to provide answers to all his questions. No one in his face that depart from the messenger, unless he has memiki exit from the problems encountered.
In an al-Hadith as-Sharif he said,''Ana madiinatul ilmi (It all science city). However, there is one question, which Rasullullah not directly answer it. What on earth so that the question should ask the Messenger of Allah, mengernyitkan brow and extort the brain? O''is the messenger of what it is that with sincere?''Ask a friend.
After a sojourn, arguably the focus of attention, and questions similar to the Angel Gabriel As. ''I asked him about Gabriel As sincere, heartfelt whether it?''Then He said to God the Most Holy sincere about whether, in fact? Allah SWT He said the man,''a secret from the secret-KU, which I place in the hearts of worshipers that KU My love.''
If the picture is as sincere taught that God through Gabriel submitted to the messenger, the how many among us who do not have them. For, only the servants of God who loved the creatures can have a''heartfelt''is.
According to Imam al-Qusyairi an Naisabury, if someone has a candor, he will make God as the only purpose of life. What is done solely for Allah, even though he do to reduce the suffering fellow human beings. He will always help people, the reason is because God is pleased Dzat help. It will work if the God that purpose.
Once the difficulty to find form in the hearts of all sincere people, up-to the messenger careful definition hearted. Therefore, the messenger then gave his assurance to have the venerability this. For him, so the Messenger, handcuffs will not be any successful, albeit not stop once in the heart of a sincere (slave).
Such as whether the characteristics of people who hearted? Friends of Anas Ibn Malik said that the Messenger of Allah said,''handcuffs will not enter into the heart of a Muslim if he keep three things; hearted do only for Allah, give a sincere advice to a ruler and still together with the Muslim community.''
Once the nature of the severity of this pattern one's life, until there ujaran-up to the states,''if someone still see the sincerity in attitude ikhlasnya, then keikhlasannya still need more sincerity,''said Abu Ya'qub as-Susi.
For a sincere, all perbuatannya will always be based on sound conscience for the good of all people and all living creatures. If arising in the heart of a good, he will do so. Life flows such as flood, calls what is in front. To what did he do, he has forgotten what is called the praise and censure. ''Charitable giving no more room for the birth of a compliment or insult,''said Dzun Nun al-Mishry. He will continue to work according to God's message, even though the man in the surrounding give praise or even mencelanya.
Indeed, Indonesia is a need people like this to be a leader who can issue of whaling nation that is not stopping the crisis. Leaders of this kind will always work according to the mandate of the people, even though he was not aware that there are people memujinya. He always worked without compromise against violators and traitor people, although dicerca will know many people, even colleagues.
For people whose lives curtain covered sincerity, but will always forget what he has been Practice good. Curiously, the leaders have the mandate of the people do not ever want to work and do. Even if it should work, whether he is still waiting to open opportunities for the emergence of a compliment. Keberaniannya combat corruption directly contract, after counting how many will mencercanya.
How might these leaders will dare risk dicerca while the corresponding duty to do it is difficult to be expected. ''He will be forgotten charitable when he does,''said Abu al-Utsman Maghriby.
In fact, someone who does the sincere, he will also forget the rights of return later in the Hereafter. He will forget''their rights to obtain benefits reward in the Hereafter, because charity is good.''
Indeed difficult to find leaders like this. Until the promise of rewards that Allah is not prepared, it will be one. He did not bargain with God in every charitable. Charitable really do not because of the praise and censure, after the clips do, do not even concerned with the rights yan reward God has promised him. Indeed!
Measure sincere or not a leader, must be guided to the definition of religion and never menimbangnya according to taste, culture and opinion about the sincerity. When disederhakan, sincerity is a correct and diniati only to God, even though the form and process vary.
Become very ironic because the nation is not accustomed to give that to a teacher about, he refused to provide benefits only reason for worry with the sincerity of the offending ustasa. There is also a berkilah,''sorry I can not give fee for a taxi to go home because I worry Pak My entry in the category of people who sell the verses of Allah,''so other reasons about a student. For the community such as this, people will always sincere''''frostbitten, do not have the dynamics of life and living away from the center crowd.
A slave who will always accept in any position; sincere and heartfelt as rich as the poor. A person can be sincere and be as rich as the poor are not sincere. Can also hearted people in poverty but not sincere in wealth. Sincerity is not necessary ditampak-tampakkan claiming himself as the more sincere, keikhlasannya rate decrease. Like oil, so cover is opened, immediately evaporate. Hearted people, though said to be not sincere will not defend themselves, as if he was angry because it is said not sincere, it marks ketikadikhlasan.
As the fruit is sincere? Results of a sincerity can be seen in the background, not in the future and not in the middle. Because mentioned in the Qur'an,''Walillaahi 'aqibatul umuur.''Belongs to God resultan of all phenomena. He will only prove him an academic at the end of a phenomenon.
Many times we see in very many places that only a theologian with the strength of the forest itself and then chop into boarding offering Surabaya. The results of sincerity, not because of righteous. Until he died, the result still cross generations. Meanwhile, many people who make the committee with 50 people all undergraduate, I do not mushalla small so-so. Actually, is the thousands of proposals sent to it here.
Leaders of the world heard the leader is sincere because of the teachings of the universal nature hearted, cross-religious, not the monopoly of Islam. Non-Islamic people can be sincere with berkonotasi humanitas. In the Islamic konotasinya Li Wajhillah. We beg to God that in this country born leaders hearted, not for the lead himself, but because the commandments of God. Wallaahu A'lamu Bisshowaab.
(A KH Hasyim Muzadi)

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