Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

Manners VISIT


Me Abu Al-Jauzaa '

1. Improving Plans

Can not be finished that is the intention foundations basis in each practice. Let every Muslim who will be a guest, in addition to the Indiana hajatnya, he also niatkan to connect the friendship and strengthen ukhuwah. So, ... no one practice is useful, but do it for religious and world. About the intention of this Messenger shallallaahu 'sick but I'm still wasallam said:

إنما الأعمال بالنيات وإنما لكل امريء ما نوى

"Indeed, all charitable act with the intention of each person and depends on what he niatkan" (HR. Bukhari, both Muslim and otherwise).

Ibnul-Mubarak said:

رب عمل صغير تعظمه النية ورب عمل كبير تصغره النية

"How a small charity enlarged by intention, and how big charity zooms by intention" (Jaami'ul-Ulum Wal-Hikam page 17 - Daarul-Hadith).

2. His return to tell the (Request for Permit) Before VISIT

This culture is very important to note. Why? Because not every time every Muslim is ready to receive guests. Maybe he needs a / intent that must be ditunaikan so that he can not be found. Or perhaps he is in the narrow, so it can not entertain guests, as recommended by syari'at. How many people can not refuse a guest if the guest has to knock the door and one on his own wish that he wanted electric.
God has provided convenience to our form of communication facilities (mail, phone, SMS, and others) that we can use to implement this culture.

3. Determining the Home and End Time VISIT

This culture as a tool in the control of the institutions visit. Not only may the whole time out to visit and serve guests. Each activity is always limited by other activities, both for the visit and that ditamui (host). When the needs have been completed, then he should immediately return farewell, so time is not wasted useless and do not overload the host in the service.

Messenger shallallaahu 'sick but I'm still wasallam said:

فإذا قضى أحدكم نهمته من وجهه فليعجل إلى أهله

"If one of you has been completed from bepergiannya purpose, then he should immediately return to their families" (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Malaria certain kind of face and personality Soft Words and Good Meeting Once

Scowl and said the abusive behavior that is not groove by people who find each. He has been ordered to be gentle, good color ornaments in the face and said a word to each of the sons of Adam, and more specifically again to those who believe. He said:

واخفض جناحك للمؤمنين

"And you berendah dirilah against those who believe" (Al-Hijr QS.: 88).

Ibn Katsir in Tafsirnya said: [ألن لهم جانبك, كقوله: (لقد جاءكم رسول من أنفسكم عزيز عليه ما عنتم حريص عليكم بالمؤمنين رءوف رحيم)] "That is disposed weak lembutlah to them as the word of Allah ta'ala:" Verily, has come to a Messengers from the nation itself, the weight felt by penderitaanmu, is wanted (the faith and safety) for clemency is more merciful to those who believe "(QS. At-Taubah: 128).

Messenger shallallaahu 'sick but I'm still wasallam said:

لا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا ولو أن تلقى أخاك بوجه طلق

"Let not the time you underestimate the skills of the good-good, although you only see your brother with a sweet face / clean" (HR. Muslim).

In addition to a certain kind of face clean and soft words alone, the more important to note is let him say good and true. Messenger shallallaahu 'sick but I'm still firmly with wasallam has memebri warning:

من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيرا أو ليصمت

"Anyone who believe in God and the end of the day, let him say good or he should dwell" (HR. Bukhari, Muslim, and the addition of both. Hadith is found in the Arba'in Nawawi number 15).

He shallallaahu 'wasallam sick but I'm still confront the word faith with the choice between either speak or silent. Mafhumnya, if someone does not take two of these options, he said, do not believe (in the sense: faith is not perfect). The legal origin of the act is silent. Even if he wants to say, then he should say the words that well. Serious loss if someone visit and take bermajelis with the word useless as sin again ghibah, namimah (compete sheep), and the other does not add any weight in the Hereafter soon except sin. Messenger shallallaahu 'sick but I'm still wasallam said:

إن الرجل ليتكلم بالكلمة ما يتبين ما فيها يزل بها في النار أبعد ما بين المشرق والمغرب

'Surely someone say the words, he does not think that his speech caused his slip in hell that further distance between east and west "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

5. Not Often VISIT

Set the frequency visit accordance with the needs and homesickness can cause I love. It is the middle between the attitudes too often and too rarely. Too often cause boredom. Conversely, too rarely lead to rupture relations friendship and kinship.

6. As recommended Bringing Your Gifts

Give gifts, including a charitable good is recommended. Attitude to give each other gifts can lead to feelings of love and affection saying, because basically happy people in the administration. Messenger shallallaahu 'sick but I'm still wasallam said:

تهادوا تحابوا

"Give the gift of you, would you will love each other" (HR. Bukhari in Al-Adabul-simplex 594; and dihasankan by Syaikh Al-Albanian in the Al-Irwaa 'number 1601).

7. Not Allow Male A VISIT to a woman who Mahramnya Her husband or No in the House

Messenger shallallaahu 'wasallam sick but I'm still very hard to emphasize this restriction as his word:

إياكم والدخول على النساء فقال رجل من الأنصار يا رسول الله أفرأيت الحمو قال الحمو الموت

"Do not see many women". Then a man from a nation Anshar said: "O Messenger of Allah, how the Al-Hamwu?". He said: "Al-Hamwu is death" (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Imam Al-Baghawi word to explain in this: Al-Hamwu jamaknya Ahma 'family, namely men from the women's husbands and families from the wife. And that is meant here is the brother of husband (brothers) because he was not a mahram for his wife. And when the father is dimaukan husband is the father is a mahram husband, then again with how the non-mahram?

About the sentence "Al-Hamwu is death"; Ibnul-'Arabi said: "This is a sentence uttered by the Arab people, with the same expression: wolf is death. This means, to meet with the wolf meets death ".

8. And Others

Many more Arab-Arab visit explained if more widely, such as choosing the time to visit, say one, to keep the views, and the other where some have written previously on the "Arab-Arab Permit Request." Few can be written on a nice benefit for us all. Allaahu a'lam.

Bogor, Dzulhijjah 1427 H.

http://myquran.org/forum/index.php/topic, 14115.0.html

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