Kamis, 06 November 2008


Ikhlas party

By KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar
To be written Waspada Daily
May Allah grant our hearts are sincere, albeit because of fatigue, terkuras not mind if there is not sincere on the value of God. Quite a fortune for a large-hearted. Those who are sincere people that the quality of beramalnya in conditions there or not there are people who are considering the same.
In contrast with the less sincere, ibadahnya had better be done when there are other people who pay attention. Then, as signs of whether the person is sincere?
First, he did not seek popularity and does not obtrude. Because he was aware, sehebat any of fame on the human no means in the face If God does not have sincerity. A servant is not sincere experts busy obtrude, his charitable breathe, flaunt wealth, keilmuannya, position, and various other secular mask. Therefore, if God allows no menghinakannya
Second, no longing terkecoh compliment and not a compliment. But praise for him on suspicion of us, when we know ourselves that the situation was. For a sincere, praised, valued, not praised, even dicaci same. Because for him the praise of Allah is the most important. Allah is the goal of all charitable.
Third, not strong and love the department. He did not assess the rank and position someone, but that is considered the responsibility of the trustee from office. But the servant of God that is not sincere and proud because ujub office.
Fourth, no dipebudak benefits and considerate reply. A very sincere worshipers of experts to believe the promise and assurance of God, it is impossible for God's promises belie him. For a servant who tirelessly, sustenance when he is not when things do get something. Enough replies from God alone, that will not slip, and will not be one of his calculations.
Fifth, not easily disappointed. A true-hearted sure that what diniatkan well, or did not happen and that he niatkan that, everything would have been seen and assessed by Allah SWT.
Sixth, does not distinguish Big Charity and Charity Small. A servant who tirelessly do not care charity is small in view of the human or not, there is a witness or not. Because God is none of that paltry If the charity is done with sincere wholeheartedly because Allah.
Seventh, not fanatical groups. A Muslim who is very sincere aware that the goal of life is a struggle of good deeds, so that it will defend the interests of the diridhoi by God. No tegantung personal feelings. During what was to be the defense of Islam, then he will be on the defense.
Eighth, Light, and Why lahab party. Sincerity is the fruit of a deep conviction that a servant of God that any act that favored by God, can make them grow closer to God, will be the program kesehariannya. All done with light, lahab, and favors.
Ninth, not because of selfish interests always be together. Hearted people who do not have objections to the presence of other, more clever, more sholeh, more of the quality. Despite the views of people he will tesaingi with the presence of people who exceed himself, but who does not sincere search for popularity. Theirs is the most important forward together with the interest.
Tenth, make no distinction in the crowd. A sincere will not mark off a friend. Sapanya thought will not be limited to certain people, senyumnya will not be limited to which, and the door is always open to anyone.
A similar situation, so luhurnya signs of a servant who tirelessly. pakah signs were there in ourselves? As for the slaves in Saint himself has dilingkupi signs of sincerity. Wallahu a'lam bish showab

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