Kamis, 06 November 2008


By Noer Bahry Noor
(PD III Unhas FKM)

SINCERE is the basic cause of all the major religious charities we accepted by God Almighty. Therefore, fortunately not based on the sincere will be the only man left, the terms of thanks, but I do Makassar 'Gayana ji'.

The patient is not sincere discussion will be a human patient, but he said that ngedumel like, 'sabbara' mangittu 'said the elders first (Bugis people),

likewise sincere apology that will not impress insipidity in Coffee, said the Bugis people "Siamak-amakni mingka MAKEMMEH muapi" means baikan but persahabatannya have still not seakrab flat as before.

Repentance and not understanding that this is the sincerity with which people often turned to tobatnya term 'tomato' means a more difficult tobatnya seriously but more happy, happy,

many gifts are you doing, diseases' recurrence 'that refuse will be reluctant promise and do better, recurrent kikirnya, lazy prayer recurrence, recurrent penipunya, came isengnya act, so again, etc. corruptor.

There are three ways to implement sincere in our every activity (1) said in a heartfelt, the words and all related tongue yamg (2) in a sincere heart, and (3) tirelessly in the event, act, practice, and we all worship to God Almighty.

The fourth component (1) thanksgiving (2) the patient, (3) sorry (4) repentance when they made Illustration is like the wall-hand side of the cube, thank the front wall, back wall SA, pardon the left wall and turned to the right wall .

Hearted as the wall down (alas) cube, whereas the top of the wall is part of ourselves open to God Almighty that will be filled by the God Almighty according to the practice of the fifth wall.

You have the content there, but because there is one component of these 'weak' may be less than thankful, patient or not, or are reluctant to give pardon or lazy to repent,

the cube's walls, a weak 'open' so how can about the content, Allah 'overflow' through the wall was weak.

Can only spill to the front, back, side to the left or right. Alone again if the weakness is more than one. However, the most vulnerable if there is weakness in the basic cube we (Ikhlas).

If this is how weak the strong wall of the front, back, left or right, but spilled to the bottom and there is no remaining as the 'sincerity' we are not there.

Source: (p16)

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