Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Learning to become Entrepreneur of The Thamud (2)

By M. Suyanto

The Thamud mentioned in this Al-Qur'an, are some of the favors given by God the form of the most knowledgeable, able to establish so-palace palace beautiful, both in the plains and in the mountain slopes.

The Thamud of the nation 'aad. Al-Qur'an Al A'raaf letter paragraph 74: And remember how He made you a replacement-replacement (in power) after the 'aad and provide a place for you in the earth. You dirikan castle-palace in the land and you are even carved the mountains to be home, remember the favor of God and do not favor you in the face of the earth to create mischief.

Nabi Saleh by the Thamud known as a good and honest. Menghormatinya his people very mengutusnya before God and the revelation given to berdakwah to them. Huud letter of the Koran verses 62-63:

The Thamud said: "O Salih, before you this is one of us that we expect, whether you forbid us to worship that which is worshiped by our fathers? And we sincerely doubt that the discomfort of the religion that you serukan to us. "Saleh said:" O my people, how pikirannya if I have any real evidence that Lord's mercy and I diberinya (prophethood) from him, then who I'll help from the (punishment) Allah if I disobeyed him. Therefore you do not add anything to me other than loss.

Thamud people who follow the call of the Prophet Saleh, and only a few people including the weak as mentioned in the letter Al A'raaf verse 75-76:

The leaders are proud of his people said to people that have been considered weak believers among them: "Did you that Saleh sent (a messenger) by his Lord?". They said: "We believe in the revelation, which Saleh sent to disclose." Those who were themselves said: "We are people who do not believe what you are pious."

Nabi Saleh invite them with love and affection, and shows a female camel as a miracle from God, and as a trial for them, mentioned in the letter Al Qamar verse 27: We are sending a female camel as a trial for them, then wait (action) and their be patient.

And in a letter Huud verse 64: O my people, this is a female camel from God, as a miracle (which shows the truth) for you, because it let him eat in the earth, God, and do not mengganggunya with any interference that will cause you torment touches close. Camel after some long and live birth abortion free drink from the source alternately with the Thamud, and for their day to day camel, camel diwaktu they can drink camel milk sepuasnya so that they can meet their vessel, as indicated in paragraph letter Al Qamar 28: And beritakanlah to them that the water is divided between them (with a female camel that), every turn was drinking (by a shift).

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